Predicting and modeling biodiversity pattern

How can we best use disparate data sources to predict biodiversity?  Single species environmental niche models, such as BIOCLIM are one way.  Another approach, Generalized Dissimilarity Modelling (GDM), couples biotic data with environmental data to model species turnover (compositional dissimilarity).  GDM has been used in a variety of contexts, including in a global assessment of representativeness of protected areas.


Assessing climate change impacts on species and phylogenetic diversity

Palaeo environmental niche models can be useful for understanding current phylogeographic pattern and climate change impacts on species.  Currently I am generating single species models and GDM predictions for current, palaeo (2100 ybp and 6000 ybp) and future (2100) climate scenarios.  Model results will be evaluated by how well they predict known phylogeographic patterns.  This work focuses on reptiles and amphibians in the Wet Tropics in North East Queensland. 


Reserve design and conservation planning

 A major concern in conservation planning is minimizing the impact, both social and economic, on local communities.  I recently helped design a framework to minimize opportunity costs in Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea.  This project was in collaboration with CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems in Brisbane, Australia and the Conservation International Melanesia Centre for Biodiversity Conservation.  The framework incorporated biodiversity, ecological process and 25 opportunity costs to address three major scenarios: food security, macro economic development and viability/sustainability.  


Click here to download results presented in Jayapura, Indonesia (large file >10 mb).

This research was supported by the NSF EAPSI grant OISE-0513277 and a fellowship from the University of California Pacific Rim Research Program.



Graduate Group in EcologyInformation Center for the EnvironmentDept. Environmental Science and Policy
University of California at DavisDavis, CA 95616secameron at