Marissa L. Baskett

Department of Environmental Science & Policy

University of California, Davis

One Shields Ave

Davis, CA 95616


Education ~ Research Interests ~ Professional Experience ~ Teaching ~ Publications ~ Presentations ~ Awards & Grants ~ Professional Memberships & Service

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2003-2006          Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Dissertation Topic: Marine Reserve Design and Life History Variation, Advisor: Simon A. Levin 

2001-2003         M.A.,  Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

1997-2001         B.S., Biological Sciences (Minor: Mathematics), with Distinction, Stanford University, Stanford CA

Honors Thesis: A Polygenic Model of Genomic Imprinting Evolution, Sponsor: Marcus W. Feldman 

Research Interests

My research interests are at the interface between theoretical population biology and conservation biology: I use mathematical models and simulations to investigate how anthropogenic impacts and global change cause rapid evolution and community shifts.  While researching a wide range of biological topics from life history evolution to ecosystem resilience, I develop theory relevant to conservation management decisions, particularly in marine systems.  

Professional Experience

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

    2019-present   Professor, Department of Environmental Science & Policy

    2019-present   Vice Chair, Department of Environmental Science & Policy

    2018-present   Associate Director of Research Initiatives, Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute

    2014-2019       Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science & Policy

    2008-2014       Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science & Policy

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA

    2006-2008      Postdoctoral Associate

Teaching Experience

Department of Environmental Science & Policy, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

2010-present    Instructor, ESP121: Population Ecology (alternate years through 2020, then every year)

2009-2014        Co-instructor, ESP1: Environmental Analysis (every year)

Graduate Group in Ecology, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

2015-present    Instructor, ECL208: Conservation Ecology (co-instructor 2015, sole instructor 2017 on)

2010-present    Co-instructor, ECL/PBG233: Computational Methods in Population Biology (alternate years)

2010, 2013       Instructor, ECL298: Graduate Research Fellowship Proposal Workshop

Advising Experience

2016-present    Lead Faculty Advisor, Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

2016-2020       Advisor for the Marine Ecology Area of Emphasis, Graduate Group in Ecology, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

2014-2015        Track Advisor, Ecology Biodiversity & Conservation Track, Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA


Backus, G.A., C.F. Clements, and M.L. Baskett. In press. Restoring local climate refugia to enhance the capacity for dispersal-limited species to track climate change. Ecology.

Ng, G., M.L. Baskett, and B. Gaylord. In press. Quantifying the effects of sensory stress on trophic cascades. Theoretical Ecology.

Golden, A., M.L. Baskett, D. Holland, A. Levine, K. Mills, and T. Essington. In press. Climate adaptation depends on rebalancing flexibility and rigidity in U.S. fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Peniston, J., G. Backus, M.L. Baskett, R. Fletcher, and R. Holt. 2024. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of temporal variation in dispersal. Ecography 2024(2):e06699.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Holcomb, K., C. Nguyen, N. Komar, B.D. Foy, N.A. Panella, M.L. Baskett, C.M. Barker. 2023. Predicted reduction in transmission from deployment of ivermectin-treated birdfeeders for local control of West Nile virus. Epidemics 44:100697.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Karatayev, V.A., M.L. Baskett, and E.H. van Nes. 2023.  The potential for alternative stable states in food webs depends on feedback mechanism and trait diversity. American Naturalist 202(3):725421.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Arroyo-Esquivel, J., A. Hastings, and M.L. Baskett. 2023.  Local interactions affect spread of resource in a consumer-resource system with group defense. Theoretical Ecology 16:303–314.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Arroyo-Esquivel, J., M.L. Baskett, M. McPherson, A. Hastings. 2023. How far to build it before they come? Analyzing the use of the Field of Dreams hypothesis in bull kelp restoration. Ecological Applications 33:e2850.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Arroyo-Esquivel, J., A. Hastings, and M.L. Baskett. 2022.  Characterizing long transients in consumer-resource systems with group defense and discrete reproductive pulses. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 84:102.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Backus, G.A., Y. Huang, and M.L. Baskett. 2022.  Comparing management strategies for conserving communities of climate-threatened species with a stochastic metacommunity model.  Philosophical Transactions B 377:20210380.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Logan, C.A., J.P. Dunne, J.S. Ryan, M.L. Baskett, and S.D. Donner. 2021. Quantifying global potential for coral evolutionary response to climate change. Nature Climate Change 11(6):537-542.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Karatayev, V.A., M.L. Baskett, D.J. Kushner, N.T. Shears, J.E. Caselle, and C. Boettiger. 2021. Grazer behavior can regulate large-scale patterning of community states. Ecology Letters 24(9): 1917-1929.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Backus, G.A. and M.L. Baskett. 2021. Identifying robust strategies for assisted migration given risks and uncertainties in a stochastic metacommunity. Conservation Biology 35(6):1809-1820.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Dunn, R., J. Samhouri, and M.L. Baskett. 2021. Transient dynamics during kelp forest recovery from fishing across multiple trophic levels . Ecological Applications 31(6):e02367.

[Abstract] [PDF]

White, E., M.L. Baskett, and A. Hastings. 2021. Catastrophes, connectivity, and Allee effects in the design of marine reserve networks. Oikos 130(3):366-376. 

[Abstract] [PDF]

Perkins, N.R., M. Prall, A. Chakraborty, J.W. White, M.L. Baskett, S.J. Morgan. 2021.  Quantifying the statistical power of monitoring programs for marine protected areas. Ecological Applications 31(1): e02215.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Gil, M.A., M.L. Baskett, S.B. Munch, and A.M. Hein. 2020. Fast behavioral feedbacks make ecosystem sensitive to pace and not just magnitude of environmental change. Proceedings of the National Academies of Science 117(41): 25580–25589.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Winner, 2020 Cozzarelli Prize]

Oke, K.B., C.J. Cunningham, P.A.H. Westley, M.L. Baskett, S.M. Carlson, J. Clark, A.P. Hendry, V.A. Karatayev, N.W. Kendall, J. Kibele, H.K. Kindsvater, K.M. Kobayashi, B. Lewis, S. Munch, J.D. Reynolds, G.K. Vick, and E.P. Palkovacs. 2020.  Consistency, causes, and consequences of body size declines in Pacific salmon. Nature Communications 11:1-13. 

[PDF] [Press coverage]

Fernandez-Chacon, A., D. Villegas Ríos, E. Moland, M.L. Baskett, E.M. Olsen, and S.M. Carlson. 2020  Protected areas buffer against harvest selection and rebuild phenotypic complexity. Ecological Applications 30(5):e02108.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Springborn, M.R., A. Faig, A. Dedrick, and M.L. Baskett. 2020. Beyond biomass: valuing genetic diversity in natural resource management. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 102(2):607-624. 

[Abstract] [PDF]

Karatayev, V.A. and M.L. Baskett. 2020. At what spatial scales are alternative stable states relevant in demographically open ecosystems? Ecology 101(2): e02930.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Castorani, M.C.N. and M.L. Baskett. 2020. Disturbance size and frequency mediate the coexistence of benthic spatial competitors. Ecology 101(1):e02904.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Madin, J.S., A.H. Baird, M.L. Baskett, S.R. Connolly, and M.A. Dornelas. 2020. Partitioning colony size variation into growth and partial mortality. Biology Letters 16(1):20190727.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Gil, M.A., M.L. Baskett, and S.J. Schreiber. 2019.  Social information drives ecological outcomes among competing species. Ecology 100(11):e02835.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Nickols, K. J., J. W. White, D. Malone, M. H. Carr, R. M. Starr, M.L. Baskett, A. Hastings, and L.W. Botsford. 2019. Setting expectations for adaptive management of marine protected areas. Journal of Applied Ecology 56(10): 2376-2385.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Yang, L., M.L. Baskett, and R.S. Waples. 2019.  Life history and temporal variability of escape events interactively determine the fitness consequences of aquaculture escapees on wild populations. Theoretical Population Biology 129:93-102.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Kaplan, K.A., L. Yamane, L.W. Botsford, M.L. Baskett, A. Hastings, S. Worden, J.W. White. 2019.  Setting expected timelines of fished population recovery for the adaptive management of a marine protected area network. Ecological Applications 29(6):e01949. 

[Abstract] [PDF]

Xia, S., M.L. Baskett, and J.R. Powell.  2019  Quantifying the efficacy of genetic shifting in control of mosquito-borne diseases.  Evolutionary Applications 12(8):1552–1568.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Ashander, J., L.C. Thompson, J.N. Sanchirico, and M.L. Baskett.  2019.  Optimal Investment to Enable Evolutionary Rescue.  Theoretical Ecology.12(2): 165–177.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Baker-Medard, M., T.F. Allnutt,  M.L. Baskett, R.A. Watson, E. Lagabrielle, and C. Kremen.  2019.  Rethinking Spatial Costs and Benefits of Fisheries in Marine Conservation.  Ocean and Coastal Management 178:104824.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Essington, T.E., J.N. Sanchirico, and M.L. Baskett.  2018.  Economic value of ecological information in ecosystem-based natural resource management depends on exploitation history.   Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 115(7):1658-1663.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Gil, M.A., A.M. Hein, O. Spiegel, M.L. Baskett, and A. Sih. 2018.  Social information can link individual behavior to ecological dynamics.   Trends in Ecology and Evolution  33(7):535-548.

[Full text] [PDF]

Dedrick, A.G. and M.L. Baskett.  2018.  Integrating genetic and demographic effects of connectivity on population stability: the case of hatchery trucking in salmon. American Naturalist 192(2):E62-E80.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix] [Press coverage]

Dunn, R.P., M.L. Baskett, and K.A. Hovel. 2017.  Interactive effects of predator and prey harvest on ecological resilience of rocky reefs. Ecological Applications  27(6):1718-1730.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

Aalto, E.A. and M.L. Baskett.  2017.  Post-harvest recovery dynamics depend on predator specialization in size-selective fisheries.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 564:127-143.

[Abstract] [PDF]

White, J.W., K.J. Nickols, D. Malone, M.H. Carr, R.M. Starr, F. Cordoleani, M.L. Baskett, A. Hastings, L.W. Botsford. 2016.  Fitting state-space integral projection models to size-structured time series data to estimate unknown parameters. Ecological Applications 26(8):2677–2694. 

[Abstract] [PDF]

Ashander, J., L.-M. Chevin, and M.L. Baskett. 2016. Predicting rescue via evolving plasticity in stochastic environments. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283:20161690.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Burgess, S.C., M.L. Baskett, R.K. Grosberg, S.G. Morgan, and R.R. Strathmann.  2016. Is dispersal always for dispersal?  Biological Reviews 91(3): 867–882.  

[Abstract] [PDF] 

Takashina, N. and M.L. Baskett.  2016. Determining the appropriate spatial scale of fishery management.  Journal of Theoretical Biology 390:14-22.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

Barnett, L.A.K. and M.L. Baskett. 2015. Marine reserves can enhance ecological resilience. Ecology Letters 18(12):1301-1310.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Baskett, M.L. and L.A.K. Barnett.  2015. The ecological and evolutionary consequences of marine reserves.  Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 46:49–73.

[Abstract] [PDF] [SeaGrant press release]

Fabina, N.S., M.L. Baskett, and K. Gross.  2015.  The differential effects of increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme events on coral populations. Ecological Applications 25(6):1534–1545.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Essington, T.E., M.L. Baskett, J.N. Sanchirico, and C. Walters. 2015. A novel model of predator prey interactions reveals the sensitivity of forage fish - piscivore fishery trade-offs to ecological conditions. ICES Journal of Marine Science  72(5):1349–1358.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Barnett, L.A.K., M.L. Baskett, L.W. Botsford.  2015. Quantifying the potential for marine reserves or harvest reductions to buffer temporal mismatches caused by climate change.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72(3):376-389.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Edmunds, P.J., S.C. Burgess, H.M. Putnam, M.L. Baskett, L. Bramanti, N.S. Fabina, X. Han, M.P. Lesser, J.S. Madin, C.B. Wall, D.M. Yost, R.D. Gates.  2014.  Evaluating the causal basis of ecological success within the Scleractinia: an Integral Projection Model approach.  Marine Biology 161(12):2719-2734.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Baskett, M.L., N.S. Fabina, and K. Gross.  2014.  Response diversity can increase ecological resilience to disturbance in coral reefs. American Naturalist 184(2):E16-E31.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix] [Press release] [Faculty of 1000]

Edmunds, P.J., M. Adjeroud, M.L. Baskett, I. Baums, A.F. Budd, R.C. Carpenter, N. Fabina, T-Y. Fan, E.C. Franklin, K. Gross, X. Han, L. Jacobson, J.S. Klaus, T.R. McClanahan, J.K. O'Leary, M.J.H. van Oppen, X. Pochon, H.M. Putnam, T.B. Smith, M. Stat, H. Sweatman, R. van Woesik, and R.D. Gates.  2014.  Persistence and change in community composition of reef corals through present, past and future climates. PLoS ONE 9(10):e107525.


Castorani, M.C.N., K.A. Hovel, S.L. Williams, and M.L. Baskett.  2014.  Disturbance facilitates the coexistence of antagonistic ecosystem engineers in California estuaries.  Ecology  95(8):2277–2288.  

[Abstract] [PDF] [Erratum]

Baskett, M.L., S.C. Burgess, and R.S. Waples. 2013. Assessing strategies to minimize unintended fitness consequences of aquaculture on wild populations. Evolutionary Applications 6(7):1090–1108.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

Burgess, S.C., R.S. Waples, and M.L. Baskett. 2013. Local adaptation when competition depends on phenotypic similarity. Evolution 67(10):3012–3022.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

Perkins, T.A., B.L. Phillips, M.L. Baskett, and A. Hastings.  2013.  Evolution of dispersal and life history interact to drive accelerating spread of an invasive species. Ecology Letters 16:1079-1087.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Aalto, E.A. and M.L. Baskett.  2013.  Quantifying the balance between bycatch and predator or competitor release for non-target species.  Ecological Applications 23(5):972-983.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

Baskett, M.L. and R.S. Waples.  2013.  Evaluating Alternative Strategies for Minimizing Unintended Fitness Consequences of Cultured Individuals on Wild Populations.  Conservation Biology 27(1):83-94.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

White, J.W., L.W. Botsford, A. Hastings, M.L. Baskett, D.M. Kaplan, and L.A.K. Barnett.  2013.  Transient responses of fished populations to marine reserve establishment.  Conservation Letters 6(3):180-191.  

[Abstract] [PDF]

Baskett, M.L.  2012.  Evolution of Dispersal.  In: Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology (A. Hastings and L. Gross, eds.), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, pp. 192-198.  

Baskett, M.L.  2012.  Integrating mechanistic organism-environment interactions into the basic theory of community and evolutionary ecology.  Journal of Experimental Biology 215:948-961.

[Abstract] [PDF]

J.W. White, L.W. Botsford, M.L. Baskett, L.A.K. Barnett, R.J. Barr, and A. Hastings.  2011.  Linking models and monitoring data in assessing performance of no-take marine reserves.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:(7)390-399.  

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

Baskett, M.L. and R. Gomulkiewicz.  2011.  Introgressive hybridization as a mechanism for species rescue.  Theoretical Ecology 4:223-239.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

Baskett, M.L. and A.K. Salomon.  2010.  Recruitment facilitation can drive alternative states on temperate reefs.  Ecology 91(6):1763-1773.    

[Abstract] [PDF]

Orrock, J.L., M.L. Baskett, and R.D. Holt.  2010.  Spatial interplay of plant competition and consumer foraging mediates plant coexistence and drives the invasion ratchet.   Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277:3307-3315.  

[Abstract] [PDF]  [Appendix]

Orrock, J.L., R.D. Holt, and M.L. Baskett.  2010.  Refuge-mediated apparent competition in plant-consumer interactions.  Ecology Letters 13:11-20. 

[Abstract] [PDF] 

Baskett, M.L., R.M. Nisbet, C.V. Kappel, P.J. Mumby, and S.D. Gaines.  2010.  Conservation management approaches to protecting the capacity for corals to respond to climate change: a theoretical comparison.  Global Change Biology 16(4):1229-1246.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix][Faculty of 1000]

Baskett, M.L., S.D. Gaines, and R.M. Nisbet.  2009.  Symbiont diversity may help coral reefs survive moderate climate change.  Ecological Applications 19(1):3-17. 

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix] [Press coverage: Environmental Science & Technology]

Pelc, R.A., M.L. Baskett, T. Tranci, S.D. Gaines, and R.R. Warner.  2009.  Quantifying larval export from South African marine reserves.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 394:65-78.  

[Abstract] [PDF]

Dunlop, E.S., M.L. Baskett, M. Heino, and U. Dieckmann.  2009.  The propensity of marine reserves to reduce the evolutionary effects of fishing in a migratory species.  Evolutionary Applications 2(3):371-393.  

[Abstract] [PDF]  

Baskett, M.L. and B.S. Halpern.  2009.  Marine Ecosystem Services.  In: Guide to Ecology (S.A. Levin, ed.), Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, pp. 619-624.  

Baskett, M.L.  2007.  Simple fisheries and marine reserve models with species interactions: an overview and example with facilitation.  CalCOFI Reports 48:71-81.  


Baskett, M.L., J.S. Weitz, and S.A. Levin. 2007. The evolution of dispersal in reserve networks.  American Naturalist 170(1):59-78.

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix A and B]

Baskett, M.L., F. Micheli, and S.A. Levin. 2007. Designing marine reserves for interacting species: Insights from theory.  Biological Conservation 137(2):163-179. 

[Abstract] [PDF]

Baskett, M.L. 2006. Prey size refugia and trophic cascades in marine reserves.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 328:285-293.

[Abstract] [PDF]

Baskett, M.L., M. Yoklavich, and M.S. Love. 2006. Predation, competition, and the recovery of overexploited fish stocks in marine reserves.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(6):1214-1229. 

[Abstract] [PDF]

Baskett, M.L., S.A. Levin, S.D. Gaines, and J. Dushoff. 2005. Marine reserve design and the evolution of size at maturation in harvested fish.  Ecological Applications 15(3):882-901.  

[Abstract] [PDF] [Appendix]

Jin, L., M.L. Baskett, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, L.A. Zhivotovsky, M.W. Feldman and N.A. Rosenberg. 2000. Microsatellite evolution in modern humans: a comparison of two data sets from the same populations.  Annals of Human Genetics 64:117-134.

[Abstract] [PDF]



National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2019. A Decision Framework for Interventions to Increase the Persistence and Resilience of Coral Reefs.  Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. A Research Review of Interventions to Increase the Persistence and Resilience of Coral Reefs.  Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 


Ambrose, R., Raimondi, P., Anderson, S., Baskett, M., Caselle, J., Carr, M., Edwards, C., Kent, M., Nickols, K., Ramanujam, E., Reyns, N., and Stier, A. (California Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team Working Group). 2018. Ocean Restoration Methods: Scientific Guidance for Once-Through Cooling Mitigation Policy.


Simpson, M.C., Scott, D., New, M., Sim, R., Smith, D., Harrison, M., Eakin, C.M., Warrick, R., Strong, A.E., Kouwenhoven, P., Harrison, S., Wilson, M., Nelson, G.C., Donner, S., Kay, R., Geldhill, D.K., Liu, G., Morgan, J.A., Kleypas, J.A., Mumby, P.J., Palazzo, A., Christensen, T.R.L., Baskett, M.L., Skirving, W.J., Elrick, C., Taylor, M., Magalhaes, M., Bell, J., Burnett, J.B., Rutty, M.K., Overmas, M. and R. Robertson. 2009. An Overview of Modelling Climate Change Impacts in the Caribbean Region with contribution from the Pacific Islands.


Symposia organized

Symposium co-organizer, Thresholds and Ecosystem Restoration, Davis, CA, 11/19/19

Session co-chair, Species on the Move, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 7/22/19-7/26/19

Symposium co-organizer, Managed Relocation Under a Changing Climate: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Davis, CA, 12/4/17

Symposium co-organizer, California Salmon and Climate Variability, Davis, CA, 9/10/15

Scholarly Presentations



International Coral Reef Symposium, Berman, Germany (remote)

NOAA Northwest Fishery Science Center Monster Jam, Seattle, WA (remote)*


Estuarine Connectivity Symposium, Davis, CA*


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Initiative Technical Advisory Committee meeting, Dania Beach, FL*

Species on the Move, Skukuza, South Africa


Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference, La Crosse, WI*

Geological and Environmental Sciences seminar series, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA*


Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR

Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT* 

San Diego State University Biology seminar series, San Diego, CA*


Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA

Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (Symposium on Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics), New Orleans, LA*

School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences departmental seminar series, University of Washington*

School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Quantitative Seminar, University of Washington*

EBio Departmental Colloquium, University of Colorado, Boulder*


Wildlife, Fisheries & Conservation seminar series, University of California, Berkeley*

Monash University School of Biological Sciences seminar series, Melbourne, Australia*

University of Melbourne School of BioSciences seminar series, Melbourne, Australia*

International Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching Symposium, Sydney, Australia*

Biology Department Seminar Series, California State University, Chico*

Morrison Institute Winter Colloquium, Stanford University, Stanford, CA*


Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA

Workshop on Evolution and Plasticity: Adaptive responses by species to human-mediated changes to their ecosystems, American Genetics Association, Seattle, WA

Marine Science Center, Northeastern University, Nahant, MA*


Workshop on Rapid Evolution and Sustainability, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH*

Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN

Ecology & Evolution Seminar Series, University of California, Davis*


Romberg Tiburon Center, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA*

Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR

Workshop on Spatial Models of Micro and Macro Systems, Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Columbus, OH*


American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA

Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Austin, TX

Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK*

The Journal of Experimental Biology 2011 Symposium: Integrating Biomechanics and Ecology, Cambridge, UK*


Wildlife Seminar Series, University of California, Berkeley*

Hopkins Marine Station seminar series, Stanford University, Monterey, California*

Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting, Seaside, California*

Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Aquatic Ecology Seminar Series, University of California, Berkeley*

International Temperate Reef Symposium, Adelaide, Australia*


Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans, Gijon, Spain*

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island*

Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Davis*


Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting, Ventura, California

Dissertation Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research Symposium, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii

American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California

Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Jose, California

Evolutionary Change in Human-altered Environments: An International Summit, University of California, Los Angeles


College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis*

California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Annual Conference, Pacific Grove, California*

Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting, Redmond, Washington

Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara*

Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Memphis, Tennessee

Section of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis*

Western Groundfish Conference, Newport, Oregon


Western Society of Naturalists Annual Meeting, Seaside, California


Managing for Resilience: An Integrated Approach to Coastal Marine Science and Conservation, University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, Washington

Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon

Ecological and Environmental Economics workshop on Spatial Aspects of Reserve Design Optimization under Economic Constraints, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy*


Burroughs Wellcome Fund Interfaces in Science Fellows' Retreat, Coronado Island, San Diego, California


DISES: Between maintenance and transformation: an SES framework for restoration decision-making under climate change, National Science Foundation, 07/12/2021-06/30/2026, $1,599,937, role: lead PI; co-PIs and Senior Personnel: T. Scott, M. Springborn, C. Pomeroy, S. Craig, M. Carr, L. Richmond, J. Largier, and B. Gaylord.  

[Project website]

A multi-pronged approach to kelp recovery along California’s north coast, California SeaGrant, 7/1/20-6/30/22, $326,274.95, co-PIs: B. Gaylord (lead PI), B. Hodin, M. Zippay, S. Place, M. Edwards, and J. Hodin.  

NSF Research Traineeship: Sustainable Oceans: From Policy to Science to Decisions, National Science Foundation, 9/1/2017-8/31/2022, $2,999,884, Co-PIs: Jim Sanchirico (lead PI), Alan Hastings, Nann Fangue, and Louis Botsford

A framework for species conservation by managed relocation: quantifying risks, uncertainties, and alternatives, National Science Foundation, 4/15/17-3/31/21, $422,971 (PI)

Managing Natural Resources for Adaptive Capacity: the Central Valley Chinook Salmon Portfolio.  Delta Stewardship Council (NOAA/US Fish & Wildlife Service/California Department of Fish & Game), 2014-2017, $489,343, Co-PIs: Stephanie Carlson (lead PI), Steven Lindley, William Satterthwaite, Michael Springborn, and Robin Waples.

Adaptation and dispersal in variable environments, Hellman Fellowship, 7/1/12-6/30/13, $25,000 (PI)

The interaction between spatially and temporally heterogeneous selection: Salmon as a model system, National Science Foundation, 8/1/09-7/31/11, $132,691 (PI)

Adaptive Management: Predicting Responses to Marine Protected Areas for Comparison to Monitoring Data, California Sea Grant, 2010-2012, Co-PIs: Louis Botsford (lead PI) and Alan Hastings

Honors and Awards

University of California, Eleanor and Harry Walker Academic Advising Award, 2023

University of California, Davis Chancellor's Fellow, 2017-2022

Ecological Society of America Early Career Fellow, 2013-2018

Professional Service

co-Chair, California Kelp Restoration and Management Plan Science Advisory Committee, 2023-present

Member, Australian Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program Intervention Risk Review Group, 2023-present

Member, Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team, 2019-present

Member, National Academies of Science Committee on Interventions to Increase the Resilience of Coral Reefs, 2018-2019

Member, Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team on the Once Through Cooling Mitigation funding program, 2018

Editorial Board Member, Ecological Applications, 2017-present

Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2012-2016

Vice-chair (2013-2014)/Chair (2014-2015), Ecological Society of America Theoretical Ecology section

Member, Ecological Society of America Rapid Response Team, 2012-2015

Steering Committee member, Comparative Analysis of Marine Ecosystem Organization, 2009-2011

Referee Activities


Review metrics:

Community Service and Outreach

2016-present   Steering Committee Member, 100+ Women Who Care Yolo County

2014                 Presentation to high school students in the California State Summer School for Mathematics and Sciences, Cluster 9: Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems

2007-2008        Volunteer, Kids Do Ecology

2002-2006        Member, Greening Princeton

2003-2004        Participant, Scholars in the Schools

1998-2001        Volunteer, Students for Environmental Education


See the Students & Postdocs page for lab alumni plus current students and postdocs.

Last updated Jan 2024

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