Limnological & Ecological Publications
For a layman's introduction to the history and natural history of Clear Lake, see The Ample Charms of a Well-Fed Lake, Scott O. Richerson (Adobe pdf file). Much of what is in Ample Charms appears in the Putah-Cache Bioregion Guidebook.
Our 1994 Clean Lakes Report on the lake's cyanobacterial bloom problem available electronically.
An overview
of the work conducted under the Center for Ecological Health Research:
Thomas H. Suchanek, Janis Cooke , Kaylene Keller, Salvador Jorgensen, Peter J.
Richerson, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, E. James Harner & David P. Adam. 2008.
A mass balance mercury budget for a
mine-dominated lake: Clear Lake, California. Soil, Air, and Water Pollution:
196: 51-73.
T.H. Suchanek, P.J. Richerson, D.C. Nelson, C.A. Eagles-Smith, D.W. Anderson, J.J. Cech, Jr., R. Zierenberg, G. Schladow, J.F. Mount, S.C. McHatton, D.G. Slotton, L.B. Webber, B.J. Swisher, A.L. Bern, and M. Sexton. 2002. Evaluating and Managing a Multiply Stressed Ecosystem at Clear Lake, California: A Holistic Ecosystem Approach. In: Managing for Healthy Ecosystems: Case Studies. CRC/Lewis Press, pp. 1233-1265.
Look for a special issue of Ecological Applications in late 2008 with a large collection of Clear Lake papers. A preprint of my first-authored paper in the volume is:
Peter J. Richerson, Thomas H. Suchanek, Robert A. Zierenberg, David A. Osleger, Alan C. Heyvaert, Darell G. Slotton, Collin Eagles-Smith and Charles E. Vaughn. In press. Anthropogenic Stressors and Changes in the Clear Lake Ecosystem as Recorded in Sediment Cores. Ecological Applications.
My difficult to find The Limnology of Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia), A Large, High Altitude Tropical Lake, with Carl Widmer and Timothy Kittel, 1977, U.C. Davis Institute of Ecology Publication #14 can be downloaded: Part 1, Part 2. Other Titicaca publications are listed on my vita. Other old limnology papers are there to, mostly related to the influence of spatial heterogeneity and physical mixing processes on phytoplankton ecology. Let me know if you have any trouble getting ones you want.
Patterns of temporal variation in Lake Titicaca. A high altitude tropical lake. I. background, physical and chemical processes, and primary production. 1986. With Patrick J. Neale, Wayne Wurtsbaugh, René Alfaro T., & Warwick Vincent. Hydrobiologia 138: 205-220.
Patterns of temporal variation in Lake Titicaca, a high altitude tropical lake. II. Succession rate and diversity of the phytoplankton. 1988. With Heath Carney. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 23: 734-738.
This paper still generates citations: Peter J. Richerson and Kwei-lin Lum. 1980. Patterns of Plant Species Diversity in California: Relation to Weather and Topography. American Naturalist 116: (4) 504-536.